Fees are currently a flat $150.00 for all sessions (Individual, Couple, and Family).

Try a completely free consultation to determine if the service is worth it or not. This offers the position of losing nothing, while gaining an entirely new perception of your problem.


About Insurance

Truth be told, your insurance probably does not consider relationship issues medically necessary. Some marriage and family therapists have found a work around for this by giving one of you a diagnostic label that’s unrelated to your relationship. However, this is both unethical and fraudulent.

No matter what, I recommend that call your insurance company and ask specifically if they’ll cover a diagnosis of Z-63.0 (This is the code for relationships). If not, ask how much of an un-diagnosed session would be reimbursed. Some of my clients have submitted their receipts to their insurance companies, but I cannot guarantee that yours will reimburse you. Read on to find out more.

By now you likely have an idea of how trained Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) have a very different perspective on people, problems, and change than traditional forms of therapy.  You also probably know that MFTs utilize systemic insights to help Couples, Families, and Individuals experience the genuine change they’re looking for. Therefore, our diagnosis of the problem will be completely different than anything you’ve likely heard of before.

The good news is that this kind of systemic therapy tends to be incredibly helpful for people who’ve felt stuck for a long time.  This becomes possible as they discover entirely new ways of making sense of their problem and how to change it.

The bad news is that this kind of therapy isn’t mainstream, and perceptions of mental health that are not found in the DSM (Diagnostic Statisticians Manual) are not widely accepted. Unfortunately, this means that insurance companies currently will not cover your couple, family, or individual sessions unless one of you is given a diagnosis from the current DSM. A diagnostic code for relationships does exist (Z-63.0), however insurance companies will not consider your relationship to be medically necessary without an additional diagnostic criteria. This means that as a LMFT, I would have to commit insurance fraud by giving one of you a diagnosis that I professionally disagree with just to get your insurance company to cover the cost. Not to mention the unethical nature of handing out a false diagnosis that will permanently be examined by various organizations for the rest of your life. I hold hope that one day a systemic diagnosis would be covered by insurance, but for now I’m not here to fix you, because I genuinely don’t believe you to be broken. However, I am here to help you fix your problem, and we can do that without labels or insurance fraud.